RTcalc for NDT

by La Primavera


4.49 usd

This application calculate an exposure time for radiographic testing(RT).

This application calculate an exposure time to make it the density of the most suitable film for radiographic testing(RT) in the field of Non-destructive testing(NDT).This application supports English and Japanese.Are you satisfied with a calculation result at exposure time of the free application?The calculation engine of "RTcalc for NDT" has been used in the NDT(RT) field of Japan more than 20 years. And the calculation result includes great trust.If you use this, you do not need the test photography. It is possible for you to easily get a photograph of the density that you set.Before the purchase, I suggest that you confirm the ability with the free version[RTcalc(Free) for NDT].●Radioisotope 1. Se-75 2. Ir-192 3. Co-60●Portable Industrial X-ray Generators1. YXLONANDREX-300,SMART-300PC,SMART-300HP,Y.XPO 225,ANDREX-225,SMART-200,SMART-200PC2. RIGAKURF-300EGM2,RF-300EGM,RF-300EG-S3,RF-300EG-S2,RF-250EGM2,RF-250EGM,RF-250EG-S3,RF-250EG-S2,RF-2522CP,RF-200EGM2,RF-200EGM,RF-200EG-S3,RF-200SPS,RF-200EGS23. TORECKRIX-300MC2,RIX-300CP,RIX-250C,RIX-250MC,RIX-200C,RIX-200MC●Industrial Film 1. Fuji 2. AGFA 3. Kodak■LicenseYou can use this application with one license at two set terminal devices of the same account.■DisclaimersIt is an aim at exposure time displayed in this application.About the use of this application, it shall be performed in responsibility of user.Even if any damage occurred by using a calculation result of this application, the developer does not take all responsibility.I coped with the crash error at the terminal where Android OS after 5.0 were installed in.

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Refund my money cause the calculations here are WAYNE off

bryan lutman

Should add on so you can save multiple isotopes and to save pipes so all that you have to add is the isotope size.

kyle birchall